Friday, March 19, 2010

liking not liking?..

To those whom this may or may not concern. While striving to be a chef/cook, or merely someone who simply loves to make other people smile about something they can graciously share with others, there are some foods I simply do not like nor care to like, however that does not mean that I will not try them or prepare them for those who do enjoy such delicious morsels of delight, as some people may claim them to be, and for those foods that I do not care for they shall remain nameless.

Yesterday, March 18th 2010, during my foundations class the dish we prepared taught me that there is much I am unfamiliar with, with respect to being in a kitchen that is designed to mass produce portions of foods for several people beyond that of a household family and even for a household family. Outside of regular preparation such as knowing ones recipe my most difficult task was coordinating when portions of one dish would be finished with respect to proper cooking temps and times. I now realize that the best way to prep a meal for anyone is to know your recipe inside and out. Know the portions of ingredients, what ingredients are to be mixed, blended, and sauteed together, or what have you, and even more importantly know how long it takes and at what temperature that particular portion of a meal is supposed to be cooked and finished for consumption. Meaning the portion of a meal that will take you the longest to prep and finish should be dealt with first and those that will be much quicker in terms of being cooked and finished for consumption should be last in order that the meal be delivered relatively fresh. Meaning if the meal is to be served cold or at room temp, it should not be sitting out for so long that it either looses substance or becomes stale in someway and if the meal is supposed to be hot then the meal should not be delivered tongue burning hot but hot enough that it would seem as if the meal just finished being prepared two seconds ago.

I may not know much about culinary in all its glorious ways to prepare a simple or complex dish for ones self or for others, however I do know what I like and from there I can greatly expand my knowledge of how food should be or could be prepared and consumed for those moments best shared with others.

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